Special Volume: Sixteen Months and Counting
Dropping Keys is a podcast conversation with real people about keys to life, leadership, love, and whatever else we get into.
What you have just opened up is a Special volume. The first of its kind.
All of these conversations are personal, but this one is more so.
If you follow Dropping Keys (Thank you so much. Keep listening and sharing!), you know there has been a gap between episodes which I am closing with this episode and what follows in 2022.
I'm looking forward to the co-conspirator conversations and the Keys being dropped. If you have suggestions for those who ought to join me, please send them my way.
This Special Volume is titled "Sixteen Months and Counting…."
In this podcast, I will share a story about how golf and a chance pairing led me to stop drinking and how easy and unexpectedly difficult it has been.